1. Current and Future Measures: a large renovation project application is rejected, consolidation of high-efficiency refrigerators and household lamps
2. CO2 emissions for April & May: Hongo campus had +48 ton-CO2 due to heating operations, Komaba 1 campus had a -40 ton-CO2 due to improvement of lighting and air-conditioning, Komaba 2 campus had a -51 ton-CO2 due to stopping the clean room, Shirokane campus had -172 ton-CO2 due to improvement in operations, Kashiwa campus had 89 ton-CO2 due to the activities by the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
3. Carbon Offsets: The Ministry of the Environment is asking for materials about J-VER (Japan Verified Emission Reduction Scheme). There is lots of mention about forest thinning. Here is a very short article about J-VER, Japan's domestic offset trading.
4. Writing Articles and Reports: Submitted reports to Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technology Center of Japan (about heat pumps), Architectural Institute of Japan, The Society of Heating, Air-conditioning, and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (about air-conditioning)
5. Miscellaneous: 1) New posters proposal 2) discussion about cost-effectiveness regarding long term and short term projects 3) a need for greater student involvement in TSCP efforts
The one on the left has some green tips like turning off your computer when not in use while the right is a tribute to the World Cup and designed for summer months
Fun Tidbit of the Day! Regarding University of Tokyo's waste stream, a main culprit is the hospital building's syringes. Y-axis is tons of waste, X-axis is year. Each bar is divided into waste from 1. Hongo campus (yellow) 2. Hongo Medical building (red) 3. Komaba 1 campus (orange) 4. Komaba 2 campus (purple) 5. Shirokane campus (white) 6. Kashiwa campus (green)
how about per person or per area (density information? which school is good in comsume?